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Conference on The Perception of Science by Calvinists, Lutherans, Unitarians and Religious Dissenters in Central Eastern Europe

Conference on

The Perception of Science by Calvinists, Lutherans, Unitarians and Religious Dissenters in Central Eastern Europe

11 April, 2024

Address: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, regional headquarters
4032 Debrecen, Thomas Mann u. 49.


DAB Working Committee for Religious Studies and Theology, Hungary
J. Selye University,
Faculty of Reformed Theology,
Komárno/Komárom, Slovakia
Magyar Vallástudományi Társaság, Hungary
John Templeton Foundation, Oxford University

11 April, 2024 (Thursday) – lectures


08.00-8.30       Registration
08.30-08.45    Welcome, Prof. Dr. Ábrahám Kovács (Project leader)

Panel I. chairperson: Prof. Dr. Ábrahám KOVÁCS, (J. Selye University, Slovakia)           

09.00-09.20     Prof. Dr. Péter SZENTPÉTERY (Lutheran Theological University, Hungary): Some Indispensable Theological Questions about Darwin’s Work and Testimony
09.20-09.40     Dr. Balázs MAGYAR (University of Pretoria, South Africa): Paul Sárvári’s Contribution to the Philosophical Sciences at Reformed College of Debrecen, special emphasis on his Philosophical Ethics
09.40-10.00     Discussion

Panel II. chairperson: Prof. Dr. Marcel Marcelaru

10.00-10.20     Dr. Csaba TÓDOR (Protestant Theological University, Faculty of Unitarian Theology, Cluj-Kolozsvár, Romania): Between the desires of the heart and the objects of reason: the relationship between philosophy and theology in the thought of János Körmöczi
10.20-10.40     Dr. Péter HOLLÓ (Adventist Theological University, Hungary): Adventists and science in Hungary
10.40-11.00     Discussion

Panel III. chairperson: Dr. Balázs Magyar

11.20-11.40     Dr. Levente HORVÁTH (Protestant Theological University, Cluj-Kolozsvár, Romania): Early Transylvanian Philosophical Efforts for Finding an Episthemological Method
11.40-12.00     Dr. Maria FLORUTAU (Uppsala University, Sweden): Reformed religious networks and their contribution to the circulation of scientific knowledge in Enlightenment-era Transylvania
12.00-12.00     Discussion
12.00-13.30     Lunch

Panel IV. chairperson: Dr. Péter Szentpétery

13.30-13.50     Dr. Emmanuel CONTAC (Pentecostal University, Bukarest, Romania): Romanian Baptists and their efforts to counter the materialist ideology during the Communist regime
13.50-14.10     Prof. Dr. József POSTA (University of Debrecen, Hungary): István Hatvani – the natural  philosopher from University of Debrecen
14.10-14.30     Discussion
14.30-14.50     Coffee break

Panel V. chairperson: Dr. Péter Holló

15.00-15.20     Prof. Dr. Marcel MARCELARU (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Romania):  Pentecostals and Creation Care - A Romanian Perspective
15.20-15.40     Dr. Árpád KULCSÁR (Partium Christian University, Romania): The Issue of Creation in Theology and Natural Sciences Bishop László Ravasz’s synthesis
15.40-16.00     Discussion            
16.00-16.30     Coffee break             

Panel VI. chairperson: Prof. Dr. József Posta

16.30-16.50     Gábor LÁNYI: „The Harmony of Faith and Knowledge”. Diverse Hungarian Neocalvinist Views on the Relationship between Religion and Science in the First Half of the 20th Century
16.50-17.10     Prof. Dr. Péter KÓNYA (Presov University, Slovaki): The College of Eperjes as the Lutheran Scientific Centre of Upper Hungary 
17.10-17.30     Dr. Annamária KÓNYA (Presov University, Slovakia): Education of natural sciences in Reformed and Lutheran schools in the early modern period – comparison
17.30               Discussion
18.00               Dinner


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