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Information about studies

Higher education at the Reformed Theological Faculty of J. Selye University is based on the European Credit Transfer System, which guarantees compatibility with leading educational institutions and enables student mobility between universities across the European Union. The Faculty offers all three levels of study - Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral. At each of them, students have the opportunity to choose the subjects of their interest within the study programme from the offer of their own department and other departments. In this way, he/she can actively participate in the content development of his/her curriculum, its optimal profiling and individual pace.


Credit system


All faculties of J. Selye University apply the credit system of study based on the principles of the internationally recognised European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The credit system brings several advantages to students:

- fairer recognition of the student's effort,

- the opportunity to participate in the design of their study plan,

- the possibility to choose an individual pace of study,

- support for student mobility.

All the activities of a student related to the completion of the course he/she has enrolled in is evaluated by the so-called credits. The student's total workload during one academic year is set at 60 credits. The credits earned for successful completion of the course are accumulated by the student (credit accumulation). One of the conditions for completing the three-year bachelor's degree is the acquisition of at least 180 credits in the subjects prescribed by the study programme. In the case of a combined first and second degree, students must obtain a minimum of 300 credits.

Each programme of study prescribes that the student must take a certain number of courses, divided into compulsory, optional and elective courses. On this basis, the student draws up his or her individual study plan for each year of study. In this way, he or she can prepare for his or her future profession in a targeted way.

The study regulations provide for so-called 'control stages' during the course of study, at the end of which the student must obtain a specified number of credits. During such a stage, he or she can adapt the pace of his or her studies to his or her needs and enrol in as many courses as he or she likes for each semester.

The possibility of completing part of the studies at another higher education institution abroad or in the Slovak Republic is enshrined in the Higher Education Act (Act No 131/2002 Coll.). The credit system contributes to student mobility in two ways. As each university participating in the ECTS is obliged to publish information on study opportunities, students get a better overview of where they can enrol in the courses they are interested in. The second important benefit is the so-called learning agreement between the sending school, the receiving school and the student. For the student, it is a guarantee that, after completing part of their studies at another educational institution, their home university will recognise the courses they have taken and count the credits they have earned (transfer credits).




A student's studies in the relevant academic year begin with enrolment (details of enrolment dates are given in the timetable for the relevant academic year).


- A student who has been admitted by the dean to study according to a study programme accredited by the relevant faculty in the field of study may enrol in the first year of study.

- A student may enrol in the next year of study if he/she has obtained at least 40 credits in the previous year of study.

- Enrolment takes place at the times and in the manner determined by the dean of the faculty. The dates are published in the timetable of studies of the relevant academic year and on the faculty's website.

- Enrolment in all levels of study must be carried out in person, on the regular or alternate date. Enrolment on an alternative date may be made at the written request of the student only for compelling reasons, no later than 14 calendar days after the regular date. The Dean shall determine the alternate enrolment date for students of the Faculty.

- If the student does not enrol in the next term of studies, RTF UJS will invite him/her in writing to enrol within 10 working days from the receipt of this invitation.

- If the student does not appear for enrolment after receiving the invitation within the specified time limit and does not request an extension of this time limit due to health reasons that prevent him/her from appearing for enrolment, the day by which the student should have enrolled in the next period of studies or in which he/she should have re-enrolled shall be considered as the day on which the student dropped out of the studies. He/she may be readmitted to the RTF UJS only on the basis of a new admission procedure.


Subject enrolment

Course enrolment and study control

- The student must participate in the enrolment of courses for each academic year by creating an enrolment sheet in AiS2 within the deadlines set by the study timetable. By enrolling, he/she determines what part of the obligations prescribed by the study programme he/she will complete in a given semester.

- Courses shall be enrolled in such a total number of credits and of such a type (compulsory, elective and elective) that the conditions for continuing studies are fulfilled in each part of the course of study. The recommended minimum number of credits corresponds to the standard student workload (40 credits).

- In the course of the semester, teachers may carry out continuous monitoring of studies by means of written work, tests, assignments, term papers, etc. In accordance with the course information sheet, the results of these checks may be used as a basis for passing the course and awarding credits.

- The study of the bachelor's degree programme is completed by obtaining 180 credits over three years of study; the study of the combined first and second degree programme is completed by obtaining 300 credits over five years of study and passing the prescribed state examinations.


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